Does The Sunlight Trigger Any Of Yall Seizures?
Yes the brightness of the sun heightens my photosensitivity tremendously. With summer beginning and the heat index rising, blaring sunlight, it’s difficult making plans outside in the daytime without worrying about the what ifs but where there’s a will there’s a way☺️
For me, it's not just the sun. For me, it was the passing of many trees where the light was constantly flashing. I always had to sit and stare at the books, so I didn't have a seizure in the car every time. Never give up!
Yes it does I hardly go out when it's to sunny.
Randy Thanks for pointing out no way all are the same.
Can White Light Trigger Seizures?
Curious Has Too Much Of Anger Trigger A Seizure For Any Of Yall?
Explain What Triggers Your Seizures?