Is Anyone Aware Of The FDA Approved Seizure Monitoring Watches By Empatica? There's A Study Right Now To "Forecast" Seizures!
Embrace2 had saved my life quite a few times.
sad thing that it only dose generlized tc. i want a watch that does partial (focal onset) seizures. excample... i have a fitbit charge 4. nothing too fancy, just a built in heart rate montor. i want embrace to get ahold of that sorta fitbit tech and get it on every type of seizure.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I'm pretty sure they work for TC seizure and seizures and involve body movement. But it looks like the models have changed so they may worked slightly different now.
Seer still have there study as ongoing you just need to email them and let them know and send them what you have. And they use it to help make there app work better. The other one was done by the University of Queensland, I'm not sure on what exactly they were studying but they were using Empatica. I think was related to seizure forcasting.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Yep. There's also this. The HR connection is only really guaranteed in someone who has TLE but in some who doesn't then going off HR isn't that reliable. Unless of course you have it monitored with a ECG-EEG and do it for a few days.
Ah yes, I see now. Similar to a myoclonic? The watch only will detect at this time GTCS, yes sir
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