I Have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy I Have Changed One Of My Medications To Vimpat And Seem To Be Experiencing Shaky Hands And Confusion
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I am on vimpat and you get used to the side effects . Take care
Hi Stephen. I have left temporal lobe cause by brain injury. I get tremors sometimes. Feels like Iām shaking inside. I added you to my team
I know it was a surprise when I had to show id to pick it up
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, side effects from Vimpat will not wear off. As long as you are taking the medication, you will always have one of the side effects uncontrollable shaking of the body. Also, did you know that Vimpat is a controlled substance? Meaning the drug is controlled by the government. Have tried to get a refill on the drug? It's a hassle.
The doc should have someone filling in for them.
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