Before My Brain Surgeries, When I Was Having Seizures(sometimes, But Not All The Time), I Could Stop A Seizure Before It Happened.
Could anyone else do the same?
Yes I could block them from happening if i had my auras first. I didn't always get one though. Now i know what causes the ones i may have presently so I avoid or limit the amount of time needed for getting my job done. Heat and extreme stress or having to take in a few deep breaths of fresh air has to be done carefully.
Yes, I could. When I was cashiering and I felt a certain buzz, I would concentrate on the different coins in the cash drawer and that stopped the seizure. But since I had the operation to remove the tumor, I have not heard that buzz.
I would feel a seizure coming on and I would start talking or singing. 90% of the time it ended there.
Victora says it best for all to handle their own seizures. Always know whats coming + what to do. Relax not try to fight it off remind self it will pass during to not get so upset. Mind can then know this for any future ones as well.
Not sure how you were able, myself could not do. During a seizure anyway, through time I learned how to keep from having 1 is not getting stressed or go w/o eating or drinking water. Not forgetting to take my meds also.
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