Can This Be In Addition To Your Current Epilepsy? Can You Have Both?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
Never have been able to control my seizures but I also have depression, bipolar and anxiety so I thought possibly they could have connected
According to my neurologist you can have both. When I first began having seizures they were diagnosed as Psychogenic Non-epileptic seizures. Because my seizures were stopped by drug therapy the conclusion is that I have both.
It's dif per person, I would suggest asking your doc and see what they say about the question here,
I was recently diagnosed with PNES as well. I've had epilepsy 18yrs never knew about PNES. After 2 EMUs and seizure medicine not helping control my seizures, they explained PNES diagnosis and prior to that diagnosed with agoraphobia. Now starting talk therapy, looking into anxiety medication as suggested and starting CBT therapy beginning of Augutst for 3 months. I'm hoping with all this, it will help with the PNES non epileptic seizures, and learning to tell difference between an epileptic seizure and non epileptic seizure. Neurologist and neuropsychrist says that agoraphobia, depression and anxiety one with epilepsy may experience. Which can lead to PNES.
I have both. I have researched it, and epilepsy can be a factor in causing or contributing to depression, anxiety or bipolar symptoms. I too suffer from both, the anxiety being a later development for me, along with agoraphobia (fear of a threat from crowds and open spaces). I see someone for it right now, at my neurologist’s urging, and am making steady progress. I hope that helps answer your question…
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