Well Had My Appointment This Morning With The NP At My Neurologist Office. They Want Me To Have An X-ray Done On My Neck. Do To Me Having
having problems with my left hand.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member thanks for your best wishes. I still am not up to snuff right now with this pain I’m dealing with in my spine. I have all idea it’s why I keep getting headaches.
It’s a Spinal Tap and definitely hurts!
I've going to a neurologist since 68. The person taking over for my neurologist is an epileptologist so I guess I'll find out.
The only experience I had with an epileptologist (I think she was a resident) was a bad one, but that was 2021
Ask Your Neurologist
@ChristainKeller I asked my gp at on of my previous appointments if a pinched nerve can cause a seizure and he said no. But I have read that it can. So witch answer is true?
I’ve Got An Appointment At My Neurologist Office Tomorrow But I’m Not Seeing My Doctor It’s A Nurse Practitioner Instead
Well Had X-rays Done On My Neck To See What Is Causing My Symptoms. Well They Came Back As Normal. Haven’t Felt This For Quite Some Time
What Ever I’m Feeling In My Spine Is Also Affecting Both Of My Feet Now As Well . X-ray On My Neck Showed Nothing. So What Do I Do Now