I Am Trying To Finish My Degree In Either Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Or Cardiac And Diagnostic Ultrasound. I Need Ways To Learn Material
If you're at a medical school, this probably doesn't help at all. If you're at a college or university it could. Many schools have classes for this. Study Management. Sounds like some intimidating class for someone who wants to be a teacher. It's not. It's a class that teaches you how to study in multiple ways. Totally changed my life.
I would type notes when I was studying and then rendered surat things so when I was studying Horti6 I rember it was the study of flowers and vegetables
Ultra sound is always upgrading equipment. I took one class in it! Respiratory , a lot of work! Oxygenation levels. Drawing blood to check oxygenation! I respect Respiratory lot of work!
My friend taught me a trick in deciding what specific field and remembering data. Started in nursing wrote 3x 5 cards punch holes and put a ring around thru them . Human diseases, one loop, medication - uses, etc., terminology. Example I started in nursing but sz got in way. Ended up being a Neurotech. - less stress! My doctor suggested it. I worked until I got pregnant! Had challenges with patients but not extra stresses for me. Nursing write detail report on patient. Tech. You sign or do a quick review of test depending where you work! I loved both fields. Less stress being a Tech. I wish you luck😊
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