Does Anyone Ever Have Anger Issues When You Have A Lot Of Stress Going On In Your Life. I Stay Angry A Lot. Why Is This.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , It looks like you’re on Keppra. Is that right? I don’t know if you’re aware of the side effects of Keppra but it can possibly cause some people to have anger issues, make them not act like themselves, all known as the Keppra Rage. It can also cause excessive tiredness & might cause trouble sleeping. Many on the site have experienced the Keppra Rage & got off it. In 2019 I was on Keppra for 2 months & it made me so tired that I had to take a nap every day & eventually I started having trouble sleeping & so I had to get off it. So, if you’re still on the Keppra, it’s likely that’s what’s causing your problems. If you’re not comfortable with the way things are, then don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor & let him know if you’re interested in finding a different medication. Hope things get better. Your friend in Texas, Becky
I agree it may be Keppra rage especially if this problem didn't exist before you started taking it.
Believe it or not, that is a side effect to my tumor. My surgeries killed what was causing my seizures in my tumor, but my tumor will always be there.
The only times I get upset or anger , is when I get talked down at , like a child. There are other times when someone would give instructions of something I already know about. I will ask for help if I need it.
Curious Has Too Much Of Anger Trigger A Seizure For Any Of Yall?
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