Has Anyone Had Suicidal Thoughts Or Tendencies Because Of Seizures Or Even Medication??
I’ve been on OXcarbazepine for a long time (over 3 yrs) and I’ve noticed my mood changes often. Either I get depressed extremely bad or Instantly angry. Either way SI creeps in and it is really hard to fight
I have been hospitalized twice for possible intent. It starts with anxiety and can go either way. Final results seem to lead to Suicidal Thoughts. Not always but sometimes.
Does anyone relate??
Please don’t respond if you have Never had this problem. I don’t need ridiculed… read more
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member & @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member,
I have spoke to my current neurologist about it. For some reason, I have had three neurologist tell me that oxcarbazepine does not Cause suicidal ideation. I know that they’re lying to me because it is listed on drugs.com. I honestly don’t think that some of the neurologist understand the consequences of some of the medication’s. I can’t expect doctors to know every medication and their side effects. That’s why I recommend: www.Drugs.com
Sometimes our doctors forget, but I want people who are aware of what they are taking. None of us are perfect. Put on a positive note we can help our doctors by showing them the facts.
Thank you for responding in positive ways. This does help my mental attitude, and it will also help those who read this who struggle with the same things.
And everyone else who has responded that I did not put your name to this text. Please don’t be offended if I did not mention your name. I have known a couple of these people a little bit longer, so I don’t always write peoples names out. It’s not against anyone, I just forget who all posted.
Thank you for your support as well. Talking about issues like this is important. Support comes in many forms. And all of you have been a great help so far.
It’s always good to know that you’re not alone in any situation. Thanks everyone for your concern and your responses. They really do help.
Hope you have a seizure, free night and day. As I used to tell my children when they were little; be a blessing because you are one.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
Thank you for sharing the shirts. They all match me.
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