Which Epilepsy Symptom Surprised You The Most?
The significant loss of visual memory. I was aware of (& experience memory loss), but visual memory. Unable to find my words. You know that experience of "what is the word...".
After my last 2 (or most recent) 2 seizures, my vocabulary has taken a knock, I'm unable to describe certain feelings and senses.
I suffer from Clonic Tonic Seizures. One moment you are in one place and next minute ✨️ you are some where else.
The symptom that surprises me the most is how fast my short term memory goes and then my ability to find the words I want to say in a conversation.
I will be talking to someone and all of a sudden my mind is blank!
How much memory could be impacted.
I’ve had temporal lobe epilepsy for over 20 years but nothing surprises me. You’ve got it and have to deal with it. Just make sure if you need to go to hospital for any unrelated matter let them know. Quite apart from the epilepsy itself drugs for any other problem may clash. A simple example is pain relief medication. The pain relief drug Tramadol may, I emphasise may, trigger convulsive seizure in patients with epilepsy. When you see the full list of side effects and how serious they can be I’m surprised it’s prescribed at all. When it was given to me after a knee operation, I felt a bit weird after taking the first one but when I took another 4 hours later, very rapidly I was all over the place, very confused. I just sat down and stayed concentrating on other things. Is passed off in about 20 minutes, but was very unpleasant.
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