Hi guys,
I'm not on any medication at the moment for my tonic clonic and grand mal seizures.
I'm wanting to speak to my Dr about maybe starting Topomax.
Has anyone been on it? Any side effects? Does it help stop seizures?
Did you take topomax in conjunction with other seizure meds or on it's own?
Thanks heaps.
Oh wow sorry to hear that. My son gas Autism cause I was on Dilantin when I found out I was pregnant. It causes Autism to little kids an unborn babys. I also read it can cause tumors an heart problems.
Dilantin is not a good medication at all. It causes to many bad side affects. I was taken off of it.
I've been on Topamax about 15 years. The only side effect I got from it was I stopped sweating. I works good I take it with onfi and clonazepam. I have hard to control seizures but this combo really works well for me. I've tried every medication out there almost so you have to remember what works for one doesn't for another. Same with side effects Lamictal was ok at a low dose but at the dose I needed I had tremors so bad I couldn't get a spoon to my mouth with anything in it. Good luck finding the ones that work
I was allergic to it and had a pretty bad reaction.
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