Anybody Else Get To The Point Where They Just Want To Down Tools And Let Someone Else Make Decisions For You? I’m Exhausted.
Any medical issue can cause this feeling of being at wits end about what to do. Epilepsy is a condition as diabetes is too. Yet even after 35 years you're still okay despite the seizures as meds have helped to keep you safe. Only you can decide how to handle this mentally to ease mind. Some feel it's a fight every day for example. Current trend is worry bout stress too much.Instead think of how to handle any of your seizures rely on meds to control if any occur not freak out bout them. Some just
now making epilepsy a mental issue like years ago. Think you know better after 35 years of epilepsy yourself.
No, I never want anyone to make decisions for me, that includes my husband. I know that sounds weird but my husband would make the decision based on what would be best for him and not really for me. If someone has to make decisions for me I would only want family members related to me by blood.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
That’s how my whole life has been. My parents make most of the decisions for me.
Thanks everyone makes sense
I agree with Margery, and also we learned what we have, but are still learning about in our own way, like the saying goes, you learn something new, I believe in that phrase, and hang in there and try and stay pos
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