A Hypothetical? With AI And Such Etc, Where Do You Think It's Going? And What If They Have It In The Medical Field Etc, What Do You Think?
I don't have nothing against the technology and such etc we have come a way since back a 100 yrs let's say, but what If they have medical ai say personal and staff and docs, what are your thoughts about this ❓ I'm curious about this ❓ and your thoughts on the? Asked.
I’m old school. Another reason I want to see my doc face to face!!🤔
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , these very advance tools may overcome the programmed laws, in it. That’s what keeps banging in the back of my mind. It’s that What If scenario.
In the back of my mind , I feel AI will learn very fast and will become I.I.
( Independently Intelligent ) and may turn out bad. Star Trek : Next Generation , showed the possibilities with Lt Commander Data’s twin brother, Lore both androids/ A.I.
Remember what "1984" book said bout computer HAL taking over. Reality is people control, program computers. AL is just a program with various info. Can be used by people or not as needed. Right now used fo Ads to create fake or embellish pics. For info just facts lacks slant or opinions by real people. Kinda dry vs articles written by people. Agree just a program so can override it too at will.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member To put things into a little bit of perspective. We are only really at the start of AI. So it will take a while before it gets better. I always when ever a new Technology comes out your better off waiting 1-2 years before using it because by that time a lot of the bugs are fixed and it should be better.
This is what's going on with AI now. There in the process of "how do we make it better" and function more effectively. The issue though is this could take a long time before it gets to a ok level of effectiveness. Yes AI is great now but it could be a lot better.
Will we ever get to I.I Technically probably not. I.I is software with no human interaction. No one really wants this at this point. A.I is software that you can still override, no matter how smart it is.
A ? How Far Do You Think We Have Progressed In The The Conditions We Have And With The Medical Field Etc? In Your Opinion? Curious
A Neutral One, Do You Think That Ai Will Be In The Medical Field Etc With Humans Doctors That Are Like Associates And Secratarires And More
As For Ai, I Wonder What It's Going To Be Down The Road With It, As For Medical Field Etc And Such Etc, I Am With Technology, More