Your Doc Evaluates You At Your Appt, Which Is Ok, But Besides That, How Do See Your Health Overall On A 3 Scale Being The Best,more Below
Also with your condition you and I have what about your memory and what do rate that at, and your thoughts about this ❓ I myself do take into consideration and account what my doc says and advises also the medical field etc, but I would say my overall health is a 1 and 3/4 or 1 1/2 at my age and my memory is a 1 considering what is the cause of it and what it's been through, not complaining about, what do you think about this ❓ and you thoughts here, curious
I have been seizure free for over 6 years. My Memory now is the best it's been in my life!
Epilepsy can effect the brain because it the siezures affect the brain. If you have a siezure the damage it can cause can make remembering things hard especially if stress is involved. If a light one may not be affected much. If siezure free for a while it can repair but age plays a factor too. I have forgotten so many things then later remember many
It's understandable to have concerns about how epilepsy and medications may be affecting memory and overall health. Many members of the MyEpilepsyTeam community share these concerns. Strategies like writing important things down after conversations can help. Consulting with your health care provider is also key - they can Show Full Answer
Dae7, you have a much better doctor than I have. As my epilepsy is under control, I am treated like a normal person. But my doctor does not know that much about epilepsy. When I told her that my back hurt I had an x-ray so after seeing the x-ray, she just chalked it up to a disintegrating disc. She did not think about my osteoporosis I have. She just said my osteoporosis is not that bad. If my osteoporosis was not that bad, why did my back hurt so much I couldn't go to work in 2000 in the file department. The weight of the files pulling on my poor bones let me know. At that time I never had a bone scan until 2007 when I broke my right arm. I did not have a steady doctor. I had osteoporosis 7 years before that scan. Doctors now a days are definitely not as thorough as they were 30 or 40 years earlier. They have to smarten up.
It's dif per person, my opinion hang in there and try and stay pos, I do and so can you
As For Your Condition, How Would You Rate Your Health On A 5 Scale Being The Best?
A Neutral? What Are Your Thoughts About Your Overall Health With The Condition We Have? And How Would You Rate It In Your Opinion? Curious?
Does The Daytime And Night Time Have A Effect On You And Your Or Our Conditions We Have, And Which Do You Prefer? And What Are Your Thoughts