Are There Any Parents Out There Living With Adult Children With Epilepsy?
What are YOUR challenges/experiences?
Yes, there are parents on MyEpilepsyTeam living with adult children who have epilepsy. They share about the ongoing challenges of worrying about their children's health and safety. Some parents help their adult children manage medications, transportation, or finances. Others offer emotional support and encouragement to help Show Full Answer
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , You will find other parents on here, just keep your eyes open for their posts. Here is a list of parents. 1. With an adult child is @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , 2. @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member has a child recently diagnosed with Epilepsy. 3. @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member has a teenager with Epilepsy & Autism., 4. New member @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member has a child with Epilepsy but I don’t know how old, 5. @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member is new to the site & has a child with Epilepsy whom I guessing is an adult. This can give you a list to start & I’ll see when I get some more time if I can find some more in my notifications thread but just bare with me because I don’t know when I’ll be able to get back to you. Maybe Monday night. Welcome to the site. Your friend in Texas, Becky
My mom has to take care of a lot of paperwork. She’s in charge of scheduling my appointments and driving me everywhere. I’m in my 40’s and have lived with them my whole life. I’ve had seizures for 30+ years.
Is There Anybody Else, Over 30 Years Old, Whose Life Is Still 100% In Your Parents Hands Like When You Were A Child?
Racking My Brain But A Mate I Know Is Epileptic And He Was Telling Me With Epilepsy It’s Harder To Have Kids? Sorry For The Awkward Question
How Do You Normalize Having A Seizure When You Have Kids