A? I Know That I've Seen Many Abbreviations In My Life Time With And Such, But I Have Noticed Quite A Few Of Them, More Below,
I have had a few things I've seen on different sites and different abbreviations in them, I know a few of the older simple ones, but what about the current ones at hand, what do you think about this ❓ and the abbreviations today, what are your thoughts here. I myself can understand a few of them but not all my opinion here
Worked in veterinary medicine so most of the abbreviations were the same. One of the most confusing is a capital letter followed by an x. Hx - History, Sx - Surgery, Rx - Prescription, Dx - Diagnosis. Sometimes I would have to ask the doctor. SE for Side Effects - one of my favorites. I would sometimes have to abbreviate because I couldn't spell the word. There are so many others. "q" means every so "q24hrs" would mean every 24 hours.
The older ones I learned when I was working back in the 70s msg appt etc and I think most people know those. I couldn't think of them all at this moment so I just put etc. The new ones I'm lost on. They make no sense to me. It's probably a generation gap thing.
As For Terminology And Abbreviations In The Medical Field And Society, What Do You Think About Them Out There And Do You Understand Them?
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