People Who Have Seziours Later In Life As I Do Find Out They Have Depression And Are Bipolar Also Or This Mixed With The Medication They Giv
I would say it's different how a person handles a medication with their body and also handling the life events of what they are going through. Like with me I have Gran Mal Seizures as well as Severe Depression along with some Anxiety; Autism but I didn't get the seizures till I was 16 years old. I got the rest when I was 8-10 years old. I try my best to ignore the seizures like it's another day because it's similar to me with the depression since I've tried going too far. But I think the best thing that might be best for you is to try and think and review on saying yourself on stuff you've noticed and consult with the doctor with these questions because if there bothering you badly you should ask then.
Anita, I'm going to really mess you up. Yes, it could be a side effect of your meds, so check the known side effects and issues caused by interactions w/ other drugs. Go to your MD with any concerns. Epilepsy itself can be a factor, but so can the environmental consequences / issues that arise from having epilepsy (ie. being isolated bc you aren't as mobile). I'm mobile, but what depresses me is the fact I'm out of work for 21 months after having a successful career, yet being cut loose after having a seizure in a meeting causing mood swings. So, is Epilepsy the culprit? Maybe in part or is it the fact that I was terminated bc of my epilepsy? I say the latter.
In either case, bring it to your doc's they should be able to help.
It's dif per person, I have a bit of depression and anxiety also it could be a little bit of the meds and my condition I have and a bit of me, I do have feelings and emotions but I am not ashamed of having them, I let them out accordingly as I think it does me good by doing that, I don't like it to say bottle up and then explode on me, I am that way, and how I deal with them, I am not perfect but that is my opinion here.hang in there and try and stay pos,
I ended up with seizures later in life however I had my anxiety PTSD and suppression way before 2015. So maybe ask your Dr
I think I would have alot of questions for the doctors.
University Of NM
Has Anyone Noticed A Change In The Frequency That Your Seizures Occur When Taking B12 Or D?
Swelling Of Hands And Feet On Oxcarbazepine