I Was Told I Begin To Stare And My Face Goes Blank, If I Am About To Have One. For Some Reason, The Need To Urinate (possibly Due To Stress)
.y mom thought I was daydreaming, it wasn't till my kindergarten teacher brought it to her attention that I very possibly was having seizures since she was familiar with them. Shockingly my mom listened to her and we ended up getting me checked out. It was petite mal seizures as they were called back than. I still get them but never had anything else along with them. Being that they are generalized seizures which fall in with tonic clonic and they also can make you loose urine during them it makes sense that it can happen with the absence. I would use diapers if it's a regular thing if you don't loose a lot of urine you could just use poise pads or some other brand. I've never had it happen to me personally but I wear a thin pad just in case I ever have any leakage.
I never had Gran Mal Seizures. They called them Petit-Mal at 7, when I was diagnosed.
Sending prayers
we sure have come a long way
Seizures once had no explaination till 1920s when nuff known bout brain function=epilepsy. A physical prob of brain interrupts our conscious mind so then subconscious steps in,keeps vital body functions going but senses, muscles, mind are on hold. May lose bladder control + emotions are intense from like crazy senses. We know how to help with meds to keep in control finally. To live in fear like years ago is no longer needed. To help cope learn more to erase any so mind can relax. Focus on our own type how meds can help for best ease of mind.
I Stare, And My Face Goes Blank When I Will Have A Seizure. During One, I Move My Eyebrows And Do Movements. What Is An Aura?
Vitamin B6 And Epilepsy
Do You Find Seizures Are Linked To Your Emotions?