Is There Something You Once Had Been Doing Say A Hobby, Sport And Leisure Activity And Such Etc, But Like To Get Back To, More Below
I have had a sport I guess I call it for and liked my doing of fishing I did, bass fishing mostly , I haven't done it now for about 13 yrs ago, I kinda wouldn't mind getting back into doing it but it's like not of importance to me whether I get back into it, seems kinda of a odd thing to me, I would go if it was a planned event, but I have had a few people ask me to go and turned down the offer, kinda curious and have you had something along this ❓ here come about in your life, it's like neither… read more
Lori it's been so long I forgot about that. I had my own horse when we were living overseas. All of us teenagers used them to go to each other houses which were spread quite far apart. Weekends we'd take a picnic and roam outside our area which was at the city limits. There was a beautiful meadow that was our picnic place. Yeah I would love to ride horses again. Thanks for giving me that memory back!
I'd like to get back to.crafting
Very true.... We could All not even be here chatting, caring about each other
Swimming, & getting out with others
I know 1 thing did when young was horse back riding, doing time to time when older. I've always enjoyed since my family then owned horses, through the time we were still together.🐎
VEEG And No Seizures?
Does Anybody Else Seem To Have More Seizures When You Try Taking On A New Task?
As For Our Conditions And Being Under Someone's Supervision Let's Say, Is That All Times? More Below And Wondering