How Do You Know If You’re Having Seizures In Your Sleep?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , Most but not all of my seizures occur in my sleep. I might have some in my sleep that I don’t even know about because I don’t always know I’ve had one unless I notice something odd or someone witnesses, like my Mom or stepdad who I still live at home with. One time I took a nap & woke up with a different pair of PJ pants on & had no memory of changing pants, a year later I had one in my sleep where I apparently had a loss of bladder & during that seizure mode walked to my bathroom & removed my feminine pad & went back to bed with no memory of any of that but when I got up for the day & went bathroom I wondered where my feminine pad was & I found it in the trash, another time I woke up confused & then snapped out of it, another time I woke up on the floor beside my bed sliding my finger across the side of my bed, I wear a mouth guard when I sleep mainly because I have TMJ but when I didn’t have insurance the one my regular dentist had made eventually broke & I had one seizure in my sleep where I bit my bottom lip & soon after that another one where I bit my lip & tongue both. I have insurance now & have a new mouth guard & so my mouth guard helps me with my TMJ as well as protects my mouth from my seizures. There’s been a time my stepdad heard me making noises & got my Mom & they checked on me & I was having a seizure in my sleep. Your friend in Texas, Becky
Not everyone knows . There are those of us who have warning signs and those of us ( like myself ) , who have no clue of having a seizure. I’ve even had little arguments with my family , disagreeing of having a seizure. Even though I know they are right .
For me I always woke with the tongue bitten really bad. I also had a dog that would wake up when I started having seizures. She would cross the house and wake my mother. I found that oragel helped the tongue to heal faster then most other choices
There are several signs that may indicate you are having seizures during sleep, even if you live alone. These include wetting the bed, biting your tongue, falling out of bed, feeling very tired or confused upon waking, having unexplained bruises, stiffness in your arms and legs, sudden awakenings, night sweats, or jerky Show Full Answer
You can try using a baby monitor.
Does People Have Seizures In Their Sleep?
I've Been Having This Funny Feeling Going On In My Head All Day For Weeks Now Like Am Just Off Kneel And Not There.
How Do You Know You Have Had A Seizure In Your Sleep If You Don't Wake Up Or Have Any Other Signs?