Is There Something You Have That Seems To Have Done Your Condition Some Kind Of Dif Or Good And You Have Not Made Known To Your Doc, More
Not something bad or such etc, but it could be a little thing you didn't notice but then picked up on and kept it to yourself, it could be anything actually, but I have, but I do mention something that I feel needs to be brought up to my doc If I think it's of importance, so what are your thoughts? Curious I go to my appts and she is ok with me and I am ok with my doc,
If anything comes up I feel to inform my Dr. I never hesitate in doing so.
No, nothing changes my seizures to my knowledge.
I agree with that, I have a doc that is s caring and a concerned person besides just a doc in my opinion, she one time pulled up a stool chair and was about less than 3 feet from me, if that, but I thought it was something I did wrong, but wasn't the case, she said If I have any prob you are going to let me know about it, three times that happened, that is a caring doc and I am ok with that, and the new replacement doc is ok with me also, by her first impression, I am ok with her also, no prob, my opinion here
It's great that you have an open and comfortable relationship with your doctor. If there's something you've noticed that seems to help manage your condition, even if minor, it can be worthwhile to bring it up at your next appointment. Your doctor may have additional insights into why it helps or recommendations to build Show Full Answer
Having Our Conditions And Such Etc, And Following The Treatment Given, Have You Did Something Say Modified To It And It Made It Seem Better?
? And Kind Of Analogy One, As For What We Can Do And Not Do With Our Conditions We Have, It's Like Our Meds We Take Or Are Given To Us?
Do You Let Most People Know About The Condition You Have When You Meet Them Or That You Have A Medical Condition Of Some Kind? Wondering