I Get A Little Dehydrated From My Meds And Where I Live, I Do Drink Fluids And Think Gum Does Ok With Keeping Hydrated, What Do You Think?
I have discovered now and then that waking up and sometimes during the day I have dry mouth or a little cotton mouth, but I drink fluids when I get up, a few cups of coffee, then a tea and lemonade and such etc, I have found out that I bought some gum and it actually is kind of beneficial for producing saliva in my mouth that wasn't there, what do you think?
And drink before you get thirsty - by the time you are thirsty you have waited to long.
I get dry mouth no matter where I'm at. I've always have water with me wherever I go. Try adding my some electrolytes to your water. Local health food store should be able to point you in right direction.
I put 2 waters next to my bed at night. I don’t always drink them but I get really thirsty at night. I also drink a lot of water during the day. I have to be careful that I’m not drinking too much water and flushing the meds out of my system.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I had a lot of seizures while playing sports as I grew up. That could be because I was getting dehydrated.
The gum is producing saliva and could be dehydrating you more - taking more fluids from your body. You need to take in fluids - water is the best.
As For Fluids And Staying Hydrated, As For Coffee And Pop, Water, Or Say Natural Juices And Such Etc, More Below On The
I Don't Think I'm Dehydrated. I Drunk 3 Bottle's Of Water 💦 Late Last Night. But Didn't Take Me Long To Urine It Out.
As Hydrated Goes, I Think I'm . More Of Being Dehydrated While I Am Asleep Than Awake, I Do Get A Little Dehydrated In The Day, But More