What’s Your Trick For Enjoying Holiday Treats And Staying On Track? 🎃
I just put a bowl outside my door with a sign that says, "Please just take one." Of course, I don't put anything in there. Then we shut off the lights.
BUT...October 31 is also Reformation Day. That we celebrate, both young and old. Our church has a dinner where we all dress up in costumes that might have been worn during the Middle Ages. We have games and then a quiz where we go over the events and characters of the Reformation as well all the benefits our society enjoys as a consequence of it. I have what looks like a Knights Templar costume...dagger, mail suit, helmet and all. LOL
I exercise , read the Bible, go to church more, eat healthy ,take my medicine on take.
I don't celebrate the devil's holiday ..
Only have one trick, I hide the Reeses peanut butter cups until everyone is gone and my wife's in bed then I enjoy my holiday. Actually I try to stay calm and I keep Lorazepam handy incase I start feeling confused.
Everything in moderation,not much on sweets but love dips and bread or cheese and summer sausage with crackers
I Was Born With My Seizure And My Doctor Give Me Meds That Help But Sometimes They Don't Work So What Should I Do About It
You Plan On Going Out On Halloween Or Staying In? Curious
I’m Hoping Everybody Will Have A Merry Christmas This Week With Their Family And Friends And Hopefully Everyone Is Seizure Free During The