I Want To Look Into Some Sort Of Exercise Equipment For Daily Exercise? I’m Wondering If I Should Look Into Something Like An Elliptical
machine or a home gym like a bow flex home gym. For others on here what do you use? Just wondering.
Use your walker or some walking sticks Quinn. You don't need equipment to exercise. Just do more of what is a simple solution. Walk!
I lift weights with my 25 pound dumbbells and when I'm at the point where it's to easy to lift them, I increase the weight by purchasing heavier dumbbells.
I use a stationary bike and that seems help
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member have you considered a mobility scooter? I'm not sure wether you plan on being in it all the time but to get from a to b it's a pretty good solution.
Has Anyone Had The Temporal Lobe Resection If So How Was The Surgery For You And Would You Reccot
Complex Partial Seizures
How Many Of You Have Had A Seizure From Doing A HIIT (high Intensity Interval Training) Workout?