Hi. I Am 68 And Have Had 4 Seizures In My Life. I Am Classed As An Epileptic. I Have Been On Permanent Medication For The Past 10 Years.
I have no warnings of on coming seizures or any knowledge of the seizures. First one was pins and needles in finger tips. Second none that I can recall. Third was phycadelic patterns on the ground. Last one I had about 6 weeks ago and no warning. I have recently had tests and waiting results. Some time ago it was mentioned I had spots on the left temperal lobe.
Does anyone have no indication of oncoming seizures
I agree with you and your post and the other people's posts here, I have had a few that happen at random, like today,a small one, doesn't happen often but does, it's dif per person I think, but hang in there and try and stay pos, my opinion
I have had epilepsy for over 30 years and I have never known when I was about to have a seizure. When I’m back aware from the seizure I won’t know I had one unless someone tells me. So I basically have never known before or after I had a seizure.
It's not uncommon for people with epilepsy to have little or no warning before a seizure occurs. According to the information from source 4, some people may experience an "aura" or warning sign, while others simply lose awareness without any prior indications that a seizure is starting. The spots seen on your left temporal Show Full Answer
I've Been Having This Funny Feeling Going On In My Head All Day For Weeks Now Like Am Just Off Kneel And Not There.
Has Anyone Show Good (large ) Seizure Results During Meditation Reduction For Inpatient EEG?
I Hope Everyone Is Getting Better 👍 I Like Dealing With Difficult Situations Because When You Think Long Enough Anything Can Be Solved.