Has Anyone Suffered With Irritability And Anger While Taking Levateracetam/keppra Annd Then And Switched To Lamictal? Improvement?
I quickly got anger side effect with Keppra so it was decided to remove the medication then move onto another
Focal seizures come & go w/o physical harm thanks to our meds. No reason to fear weird with almost overwhelming emotion as well. Relax during any keep in mind all will pass then we're fine after too. We know nuff bout the brain to explain things plus to help brain avoid nasty uncontrolled type of seizures with great meds. Epilepsy is a minor condition like diabetes all have diff types why just unknown for both. Some of the greatest minds in history also had seizures look up ease mind best.
True! Early on ,I beat up my primary care at the emergency room.
Change In Medication
Anyone Dealing With Keppra Rage?