What Are The Qualifications To Get A Neurological Trained Service Dogs?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , The AI answer above points out some important things you likely would need but you might also could talk to your doctor about it & see what their opinion is about you getting one & if you would benefit from it. It mentions things I’ve read elsewhere & one big thing is that you would need to be able to care for the dog. Here is a link to your local Epilepsy Foundation’s website where under “Resources” they provide a list of programs where you can look into I guess when searching for an Epilepsy dog. Epilepsy dogs can be expensive but maybe through these programs that are listed, they’ll help you get one that won’t cost as much. https://epilepsynorcal.org/dogs/ . Plus, don’t hesitate to contact your local Epilepsy Foundation if you have any questions about getting an Epilepsy dog & you’ll find their contact info on the website above. Your friend in Texas, Becky
I love mine. He actually just finished alerting that I’ll be having one soon. It wasn’t a high alert but still an alert so I’m in for one today or tomorrow.
It varies from organizatios and programs
I agree with you and your post and the other people's posts here, I don't have one myself but I agree with the people who are giving you the information from the site here and also got any information from your doc about the question here and go from there, good luck with that.
To qualify for a seizure alert or response dog from most organizations, you'll need documentation from a neurologist confirming your epilepsy diagnosis. You may also need to provide records showing the type and frequency of your seizures. Organizations that train service dogs have different eligibility criteria, but most Show Full Answer
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