Is It Possible That Your Brain Shrinks Faster When You Have Epilepsy?
I had a MRI and it shows my brain is shrinking faster then a normal 60 year old brain should.
I have never heard of the Brain shrinking, but think we loose cells in the Brain as we age. I do not know about what rate it should be getting smaller.
When I had my Temporal Lobectomy on the right side, they told me that stopped "Echo Seizures" on the left, my dominant side. I speak, remember, move, and other things there. They said they could do some damage.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
When we have epilepsy some of our brain cells die and effect our memory
Interesting. I never heard of "brain shrinkage", something to look into.
This all comes down to multiple factors not just the epilepsy. Basically, it really depends on the case everyone is deferent.
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