Does Stress Cause Anyone Else To Have Seizures??I Had A Seizure This Morning Due To Stress Over A Financial Issue.
Yes It Did But 12/2023 I Stopped Taking My Morning & Afternoon 250 mgs Of Vimpat. I'm Fully Stressed Back Then & Now But Only Had 2 Seizures, Compared To The 5-6 Monthly
Hey I was my nails done as treat from wife. The problem was the heat 106: and length of time it took I ended up having a seizure. As for finanances I am pretty about controlling it so it does't get get out of hand to cause sress. I do online banking with updates etc. Take care Maria ericthom3
Any high level of excitement good or bad may lead to a seizure if epileptic. Rely on meds to ward them off trying to reign in emotion may lead to more stress. Modern day view of epilepsy is to treat it as the real physical prob with great meds to help stop seizures as well..
Yes stress causes mine
Do You Find Seizures Are Linked To Your Emotions?
I Would Like To Know What Everyone's Seizure Triggers Are. I'm Having A Lot More Than Normal. What Could I Be Missing?
I've Been Having This Funny Feeling Going On In My Head All Day For Weeks Now Like Am Just Off Kneel And Not There.