For Anyone Needing Information About Driving With Epilepsy, There Is A Site That Will Let You Look At All State's Laws/requirements. After you have brought up your state, be sure to read all the way down the page, so you do not miss any vital information.
I've gotten back and lost it 3 times. Had to wait 12 months with neurologist okay (paperwork) here in quebec. Ontario the same. I choose not to drive anymore. Safer for everyone. π
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I think it really depends on the individual person. Some people are seizure free and they go about normal lives with no risk of having one because everything works well and they manage everything really well. But if its some one who is seizure free but still gets lots of auras and is technically still a high risk of having one no matter the length of time then I probably wouldn't drive.
I know my state's laws. I wouldn't attempt to get it until I got my doctors approval. I got all the paperwork and it turned out I didn't need any of it because I had never had a license. I still wouldn't drive without my doctor's approval!
It doesn't matter what the law says or anyone else for that matter have epilepsy and there is no way on earth that I would never again get behind the wheel of any vehicle...that's not only putting my passengers at risk but everyone else on the road as well..
Best to go by if having seizures if safe to drive. Even a brief one would be dangerous while driving. At least think of others even if willing to risk yourself.
About Me
Iβm 66 Years Old Started Having Episodes In 2021. Just Diagnosed. What Is My Long Term Outlook On My Driving License?
For Those Who Driveβ¦.