A Neutral? More Like How Do Look At This About The Condition (s) We Have And Happen With Them And Go Through, Does One Think About Below
When the for example, I did not and don't know when I am going to have a seizure, whatever type that goes with my epilepsy, I know what kind I have with the condition I have, but I think that they are more stable than before and I am ok with that, but does a person stress about and over when the next one may come about and stress over, or does one let go about that episode when it happened and then when the next time a episode does happen handle it at the moment at hand, curious about this ❓… read more
I more often think about the triggers and whether I have done something which might trigger a seizure later that night. I try to avoid most triggers but it’s not always possible if you want to live a normal life. Once I’ve had a seizure I try to figure what may have triggered it. Stress and anxiety are probably the biggest factors, not always easy to control. This is just me though.
It's understandable to feel anxious about not knowing when the next seizure may occur. However, constant worrying and stressing rarely changes outcomes. As the member shared, it can help to accept what you can't control and focus on carrying on with your day. Many members have found it empowering to develop a level of Show Full Answer
Hang in there and try to stay pos, my opinion here and to you and everyone else here
I do stress about it. Bcse my seizures are always different. They can be not bad at all or very bad. I’ve been trying to tell myself that it’s ok. I’ve always been a bit high strung so that doesn’t help. But I’m trying. Happy new year.
That’s what happened to Me yesterday. It was trying to get on a new website for a supermarket but later I had a seizure in the evening.
A Neutral? As For Our Conditions We Have, And How People See Us And Think, What About The Other People And Their Conditions And Such ,more
A Neutral One, As For Pro's And Cons With Our Meds, What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Condition We Have, And The Neg And Pos Of Condition?
Just Curious About This ❓ Below And Not Nothing Against It Or Anything Else Like That? Or On Anyone Else Here And Such Etc Or The Med Field?