A Neutral One, As For Pro's And Cons With Our Meds, What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Condition We Have, And The Neg And Pos Of Condition?
I myself think that as for the meds they have their pros and cons of as well as my condition I have, but it's got the positive of and the neg that go with it, I don't mean anything bad about the question I'm posting, but venting what I think about it, the condition I had been diagnosed with wasn't something I expected but over the years accepted and live with , it does have its moments, I'm ok with that also, I don't wish it to happen but does, it has a few negatives with the condition of mine⦠read more
I love my meds, they keep me safe. Phenobarbital is no longer used as much and it does have side effects, but it keeps me from having seizures. I do have an occ breakthrough seizure. I am also taking Lamotrigine.
The pros of the meds is that they keep me controlled when working properly. The cons of the meds are the side effects of the meds.
As far as positives of my epilepsy is that it brought me closer to God. It also taught me how to adapt & deal w/ the unexpected / adverse situations. The cons, more so nowadays, are how it effects others & the various reactions of others to it.
Pros for me would be that they have multiple options for drugs that can help or prevent u from having seizures; cons are that some of them have bad side effects such as Dilation and that I had to stop working early on due to my epilepsy and that I know longer get to interact with the public because of it and not that many ppl want to always come to my place if they want to see me.
I took mine but went to another country and it's a different mixture so the effects are different. Focal has most of the same issues from each individual. Mine help at a low dose until I moved.
Living with epilepsy certainly has its challenges, but focusing on the positives can help. As one MyEpilepsyTeam member shared, letting go of negative assumptions about the condition can be freeing. The medications also have pros and cons - they may help reduce seizures, but also come with side effects. However, some have Show Full Answer
A? As For The Conditions We Have,which Of These Seems To Be The Most Important To You And Your Condition,, The Condition, Or The More Below
Has Anyone Ever Heard From Your Primary Doctor Or Neurologist That Seizure Medications Raise Your Blood Sugar?
A Neutral? As For Our Conditions We Have, And How People See Us And Think, What About The Other People And Their Conditions And Such ,more