Supplement To Kill Emotions
Most of my damage is on the left side temporal/frontal lobe area. I am on Keppra, Lamotrigine, and Desvenlafaxline. I feel like care about pointless ordeals too much, and easily become depressed, just full of negative thoughts. The Desvenlafaxline is to help with the depression and the Lamotrigine is to help with emotional balance along with seizures. Any recommendations?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I have bilateral temporal lobe seizures and have always been depressed since I’ve had epilepsy ever since I was 10 years old.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Not everyone gets it. Its mainly found in young children. With adults the rage effect is a lot easier to manage. Some times people don't get any rage effect and get the complete opposite.
I am on large dose of Keppra ER. 1500mg in the morning and 2250mg before bed. I bet this does have an effect on my moods. I reached out to my neurologist when this first hit, but was told to speak to my GP about going on an antidepressant. My GP is who put me on Desvenlafaxline.
I have a Hunch . My opinion. But I don’t think your Antidepressant working at its full potential.
Have you heard of the alternative name given to Keppra ? Many people call it the RAGE drug . One of the side effects of it, is changing the emotions or behavior of the person taking it.
My hunch is that the Keppra is stronger than the Desvenlafaxline . Keppra is making you feel these Negative thoughts. But remember this is all my opinion.
You want to change your mind ask Dr for referral to a counselor. Surprised if on anti-depressants not seeing one already. Please don't think inevitable from epilepsy or meds. Get help to lift self out of this change your mind bout things the best way.
I've Been Told By My Friend And Past Care Assistant I'm To Emotional. Do Other Guys Get This? Or Anyone Else For That Matter?
Do You Find Seizures Are Linked To Your Emotions?