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Any Here Living Alone With Epilepsy And No One Living Close Enough To Go See Have A Active Public Social Life? If So How Do You Do It?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Philadelphia, PA
January 21
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Depending where you live! I used a handicap service. I lived in Los Angeles, MD and now in Northern CA. My Epileptologist gave me information on services that you pay $5 - $7 a ride per trip. I wasn’t aware of it until I was in the ER getting swiped by car during a walking seizure. Almost every county in the all the states have it. It was a blessing for me!

January 23
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Is there an Epilepsy Association near you? They have social groups

January 22
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Hi Mike Johnson, Sorry to hear about your mother! I just had my aunt, 67 yrs. old, who was extremely bad health for yrs and upset when she passed away. But ,I know it may sound mean or sick to others, but what helped me cheer up was knowing she didn't have to suffer no more and I did have to watch her do it. Also, I have been living by myself for 23 yrs.with not much of a social life.Glad to hear you have others for support! I found the best help, 24/7 hrs. a day, for me was a seizure alert dog. I know you hear how expensive they are but I know I got mine at a non-profit org. service dog. training camp, Canine Partners for Life, for giving a donation and tell others about them to help others and get donations to keep them continue to be a great help which they are. If interested they're in Cochranville, PA, there may be other camps like that closer to you if you're not close to them. Wish you the best!👍

January 22
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I am at that point, and have been for some time. There is always a solution, tho.' You can find just about anything you want on the WEBSITES now available, especially for a city like Philly. It all comes down to what you are looking for, really. Once you determine that you can get busy. Regards, Jake

January 21
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I'm glad you had/have great friends. I'm also glad I didn't retain friendship with my friends when I first started to have seizures when I was 15 yrs. old. I say that because I hung around with the bad ass kids of the neighborhood. Most of them drifted to have drug addictions, crime, and died young. If I wasn't pulled away with my problem of epilepsy I may have drifted to the same place they did. My problem is finding friends now. I'm 46 yrs. old live on my own. The only problem I have with the area I live in NE Philly is the majority of the people are mostly elderly not in search for a social friendship, and I don't know a place to go and meet a friend. Also, I' a shy person so I not very good at starting a conversation to meet others. But I am good at continuing a conversation leading to friendship. I believe that may be because what I attempted to study in college, drug and alcohol rehab counseling. In that course I studied psychology and ways to help those who wanted help. So I know how to be friendly, respectful and understanding after I am attempted to talk to. I was never taught how to approach and begin any type of relationship with others. I could care less if someone is ignorant to me having epilepsy. If they want to do that it's their loss of what could have been a good friendship. I'm not somebody embarrassed of having seizures. If I did get to start a friendship with someone they can joke around with me on things I may say or do after a seizure, I bust on myself about some of it. I have one friend I knew all my life, who now lives in TN. I still talk to often and things I did in the past from seizure. Such as one time after I moved back to the city, moving in with him, I met friends of his I knew nothing about and had a seizure without knowing it and I moved my wallet without knowing it. That night after he had some friends over and they left I couldn't find my wallet. I blamed his friends he told me they wouldn't do that, I believed him. Then 2 yrs. later, when I got my own place, I came across that aka stolen wallet under the mattress of the sofa bed. LOL

16 hours ago

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