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Top 10 search results for "Gantin" in Resources. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Several antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) commonly cause weight gain or weight loss, but levetiracetam (...

Keppra and Weight Change: Is It a Side Effect?

Several antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) commonly cause weight gain or weight loss, but levetiracetam (...
Sticking to your medication schedule is an essential step in controlling your epilepsy. But in so...

What Should You Do if You Vomit Your Seizure Medication?

Sticking to your medication schedule is an essential step in controlling your epilepsy. But in so...
Technology is constantly advancing, and you never know when a discovery can change the way you an...

The Embrace2 Seizure Watch and Other Accessories for Monitoring Epilepsy

Technology is constantly advancing, and you never know when a discovery can change the way you an...
Living with epilepsy can take a toll on our emotions and cause mood swings. Emotional ups and do...

Mood Swings and Epilepsy

Living with epilepsy can take a toll on our emotions and cause mood swings. Emotional ups and do...
It’s common for people with epilepsy to wonder how long it will take their bodies to adapt to med...

New Epilepsy Meds: How Long Does It Take To Adjust?

It’s common for people with epilepsy to wonder how long it will take their bodies to adapt to med...
By Mary Elizabeth Dallas, HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Sept. 13, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Circad...

Internal Body Clocks May Affect Timing of Epileptic Seizures

By Mary Elizabeth Dallas, HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Sept. 13, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Circad...
We asked and you answered! We posted this question: What bits of "advice" do you wish people woul...

Your Answers: The Worst Epilepsy Advice (Infographic)

We asked and you answered! We posted this question: What bits of "advice" do you wish people woul...
Controlling epilepsy is not always easy. However, uncontrolled seizures can be dangerous for a p...

Evaluating Your Options for Epilepsy Surgery

Controlling epilepsy is not always easy. However, uncontrolled seizures can be dangerous for a p...
If your child is living with epilepsy, you might be presented with a lengthy list of treatment op...

5 Factors in Choosing Epilepsy Treatments for Your Child

If your child is living with epilepsy, you might be presented with a lengthy list of treatment op...
For children and adults living with epilepsy, taking daily anti-seizure medication is essential —...

6 Tips on Taking Epilepsy Medications for Kids and Adults

For children and adults living with epilepsy, taking daily anti-seizure medication is essential —...