Has Anyone Swapped Levetiracetam To Briviact? Also Taking Lamotrigine And Vimpat.
A? What Grade Do You Think You Are After The School As For High School Or Ged, In Your Opinion On The? And What Are Your Thoughts
I was ok with grade school and mid school, then went to high school, but that is when my mom had passed away and I was let out of the boys ranch I went to, but anyway there was some events that caused me to get my ged instead of high school, ie cant remember what it was as for the grade ave I think a b but I think a b - not sure though, but I don't mind learning about what I don't know about and don't mind doing. What are your thoughts?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I went to school in the 90’s and it was a program. I don’t know when it all started.
Is There Something You Like Do But Don't Get To Do, But Once You Get That Chance You Go For It?
I think my response to this is my fishing I like to do but haven't done in from what I have been told 10 or 12 yrs ago, I do like to meddle once in a while cooking a few of my mom's dishes she made as I was a little kid, I like to try new things out as well,but I am a old school kinda person, my opinion, what about you, and your thoughts here?
I enjoy traveling and would like to do more but I have nobody to go anywhere and have fun like I'm on vacation. I am able to go to Tennessee or Arizona but when I do go there and do nothing except… read more
Can Weight Have Something To Do With Seizures?
After digging through many theories and routes never even considered by "modern" medicine, I've started to wonder if weight/fat has something to do with epilepsy
I've read that visceral fat has something to do with health in other areas such as increasing the chances of getting diabetes or alzheimers or several other things. Well, if that's the case, I've been wondering if the 40 or 50 pounds I've put on since H.S. 30+ years ago is affecting the fact that, not only do I have more… read more
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Same here, they don't do it as often as they did back then.
Can Anyone Tell Me Does Sezuire Falls Have A Affect On The Body Hurting So Much Because My Body Just Hurts So Much Anymore Sezuire For 32 Ye
I'm so sorry Mandy
Hi guys,
I'm not on any medication at the moment for my tonic clonic and grand mal seizures.
I'm wanting to speak to my Dr about maybe starting Topomax.
Has anyone been on it? Any side effects? Does it help stop seizures?
Did you take topomax in conjunction with other seizure meds or on it's own?
Thanks heaps.
Does Anyone Get Hot Then Freezing And Back To Hot After A Seizure?
I always get freezing after a seizure and when i start feeling normal again i start going from hot to cold to hot and back and forth. I can not get comfortable! It's 85 degrees and i have a sweatshirt on and I'm still freezing! But i checked my temperature and it's normal. Is this a type of seizure?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member yes, it sucks. Also hormones fluctuated my temperature, as well.
Who Feels Like They Need Help Getting Around At Times Do To Their Epilepsy Symptoms? It Could Be Any Symptom Due To Your Epilepsy.
I’m feeling a little sluggish this morning and not wanting to come out of what I slept in last night. Tempted just to stay in it for today
The only time I need help, is getting to places, that I can’t get to , on my Mt. Bike or walking distance.
Is It Really The Best Idea To Take 3 Medications At Once? Kepra (Levetiracetam), Lamictal (Lamotrigine) And Now Vimpat(Lacosimide)
My son does not like all the side effects and is not wanting to add a 3rd. Incredible to think this is best option. Is it possible the 2nd med (Lamictal) that was added has caused the increase in his seizures? Shouldn't we try to back off of that first?
There are many of us , where one medication won’t work to control our seizures of the type of Epilepsy we have.
I’m on 5 medications, with the DBS ( Deep Brain Stimulation ) and still have seizures… read more
Has Anyone Ever Had An Emotional Need To Wear Diapers Due To Your Epilepsy?
Wanting to wear diapers as a safe net even though you haven't lost control of your bladder and/or bowels yet during any phase of the seizure?
Well my mom & dad as well as my biological family says I either don't need them or my favorite they're only for babies.