Question For Women: Do Any Of You Have Catamenial Seizures? And How Do You Deal With Them?
On average I have 2-4 seizures every month and they usually happen within 4 days of my period or right after it. I still have them other times of the month too though. The seizures I have vary and I sometimes will have auras after (a few mins. to a couple of days).
My neurologist doesn't think they are Catamenial Seizures, but I do think my menstrual cycle has something to do with it.
Does anyone have any advice they could give me, please?
I do. My Neurologist has me tracking my monthly as well as my seizures, and even though it clearly shows the time frame, he is convinced that it has nothing to do with my monthly. know your body.
Luckily a lot of my med bills and meds were written off by the hospital after my seizure was out of control and I got put into the medical coma for a couple months. The only thing that stopped mine at that point was the steroids and I gained a lot of weight and they were also very hard on my liver. My story is now in med books if you want to ask your Dr about what can help stop an uncontrolled gran mal seizure. Steroids and progetrone is what is helping me at this point. And as far as your question about how I pay for the meds. Well its rough but my husbands job pays for most everything thank GOD! Otherwise without medication I wouldn't be alive.
Try the depo shot. It is every months
I kept track of my seizures and period dates and showed to my neurologist, he wasn't totally convinced but that definitely helped show him my reasoning. He put me on Diamox (which has been shown to help catamenial epilepsy) to see what happened. I take it beginning on day 14 of my period and up to 5 days after my period ends. It has helped a lot.
my daughter gets shots to stop her cycle and it helps,its called a deopravera shot
Do You Think Being On You Period Can Trigger Your Seizures
This Question Pertains To Women. Have Any Of You Been Diagnosed With Catamenial Epilepsy?
Has Anyone Started Having Seizures When There Menstrual Started? Mine Started When I Started 17.