Seizures Around Mealtime
I have no idea why, but I tend to have seizures when I eat. Does anyone else have this issue? Is it strange or common?
I have found more and more that there may be a link to hypoglycemia and diabetes as it relates to epilepsy. Diabetes runs in my family. However, my brother, my sister and I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is often a leading stage to diabetes.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I have been in an epilepsy monitoring unit on three different occasions. Each time I have eaten spicy food and a seizure is shortly induced. This is a day or so after reducing my medicine and/or deprivation of sleep.
So sorry to hear this! I pray the Jesus will help all of our families to help find a cure for this terrible disease! Will pray for you!
Very interesting. Spicy food. I'll try and take note of what I eat.
Does Anyone Know When A Seizure Is About To Come On?
Just Bu Told I Have Complex Seizure, Asthma, Osteoporosis, Intracranial Vascular Stenosis, I Am Having Up To. 10 Seizure A Day.
My Sub-clinical Seizures Or What Are To Underlying Seizures Are Hard To Detect. Is This Normal?