Has Anyone Ever Had This Feeling I Get Thechills And Goosebumps Then My Right Side Jurks Up Pulling My Shoulder To M My Neck Real Fast Once
When I get the feeling of the chills it comes for a few second then that when I jerk
Ive been off the keppra for almost a year and I still get this..lol..I just add it to the list of things I can't fix!! Hang in there
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, I have done that since I was a kid! I've never heard of anyone else doing it. I was only able to explain it to anyone other than getting the chills to the point that it hurt. It looks like you have the chills, but when it happens and your shoulder goes up it actually hurts that side of your body. But I totally know what you're talking about. You're right, in that there's no other way to describe it. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Thanks everyone for the answers it is helpful to hear them and to know that I'm not driving myself crazy thinking I'm the only one who's heard of this thanks again to everyone
That seems to b a side effect on the last two meds i had Keppra, and Zonisamide, that was a commen SE "chills". So iam sure its on others as well
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, I am not for sure but it seems like a question I have ask before. I have a very sharp pain between my shoulder and neck, so unbearable. Ever had a brain freeze? Thats what it feels like, can't even scream
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