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Can Anyone Tell Me About Their Experience With Myoclonic Jerks?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Cleveland, OH

In the past, once in a great while I would feel a little jerk. Something like a reflex test. But more and more often, I'm going through these cycles. Especially when going to or waking up from sleep. Is something causing this?

January 14, 2023
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I have restless legs I take ropinirole I don't know if that what your talking about .đŸŒ»

January 14, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , I don’t know if this qualifies as to what you’re asking about but off & when I go to bed I get jerks from around my chest or hips down to my legs & they’ll jerk once or twice & that’s it for the rest of the night. Now the other experience I’ve had, I don’t know if it qualifies either but from December 2018 till mid or late 2019 I began having really bad shaking in both arms, at times my right leg would shake also & 2 times my shaking was so bad that my Mom had to feed me my dinner & during these months my leg muscles also tightened up once in a while & I remember that I was waiting till it was time to clock in at the fast food burger place I was working at which was my last job but I had to go home cause I could hardly walk my leg muscles were so stiff. At one point I had a panic attack at that job & in June 2021 I had a really bad anxiety attack where I began shaking my uncontrollably & hollering at the top of my lungs & crying & for 25 minutes I couldn’t talk however I could understand what others were saying to me but I wasn’t able to respond. We were at a restaurant & being that my Neurologist’s office had just closed for the day, I contacted the lady with our local Epilepsy Foundation & she suggested we go to the hospital & them & my Neurologist believed it was a really bad anxiety attack & I experienced a few smaller ones for the next few days but the hospital had given me Ativan & that helped calm me down but it can make you tired. But right now my main twitches are when I soon get into bed & I don’t know why it happens then & not as much as other times. Hope you’re doing ok. Your friend in Texas, Becky

January 14, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

1 other thing tho, it happens to me at any point in the day. I also have my arm (either arm) leg and belly will twitch hard enough to make my entire body jerk. I have no memory before or after my seizures so when it happens I always ask myself if maybe that's a sign 1 is coming but nothing ever comes of it. I always tell my wife about weird feelings and stuff so if it does happen I might have a early warning. Usually lose 5-10 minutes prior and 5-60 minutes after

January 23, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I asked my epileptologist the same question when mine started. He said that those are just myoclonic physical tics that have developed as a result of aging with this disease, and are NOT related to an eventual epileptic event unless other symptoms accompany it. I know mine are happening more frequently, and I have even developed trembling in my left hand and arm. I have asked about relief, but he has said that I may just have to learn to live with it, and to develop other ways of compensating for the disruptions the trembling causes. That’s why I started with the yoga instruction, trying to develop ways to calm myself down and relax the nerves and muscles in s different but specific parts of my body. I think I have been somewhat successful. (If you think about it, broken down, the very word “dis—ease” comes close to ‘un-comfortable.’)

They are known to especially happen just before or just after the brain goes into sleep mode. I find them more active in the morning, as at night they tend to be muted by all the meds dulling my senses in making me tired. I hope that helped you. I guess the important thing in all this is to know you are not alone
 Have a very good night and weekend! K.

January 14, 2023 (edited)
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I get them in my sleep I suffer with seizures so it's like a weird body jerk sometimes..always getting blood test done

July 8, 2023

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