I Have Heard Some Essentail Oils Are Bad For Epilepsy, Does Anyone Know Witch Ones Those Might Be.
I heard Lavender is one of these. Also, does that mean I should not use it? Is it the fragrance or the Oil itself that is not good for epilepsy? If anyone has a reliable web page to share, that would be great!! I am not looking for an Essentail Oils dealer.
Avoid :basil, nutmeg, rosemary, sage, tarragon, wintergreen,hyssop,
Good oils: clarysage, lavender, sandalwood, cedar-wood, frankincense and jasmine.
I'm looking into all of this right now.
I hv not taken medication in several years because my seizures are only in the a.m, so Im good as long as I get plenty of sleep. but now my pattern is changing and im freaking out. Also i read that Magnesium oil works wonders,I'm ordering mine via amazon tonight.
This is not an oil but st Johns wart and ginkgo blobs are bad with epilepsy drugs
I diffused essential oils (at bedtime) pre & post surgery (mainly frankincense, lavender & wild orange). My drs were amazed at how well my incision healed to where you could barely see the incision (in 3 months post-surgery) and actually encouraged me to "keep doing what you're doing." My neurologist even spoke on clinical studies in regards to lavender EO & its positive, calming effects...and expressed he was happy I discovered something therapeutic to help with my post-surgery recovery. I continue to diffuse because I can attest to the benefits I've received. As far as oils that are not safe for epileptics... from my study & use of EOs...I'd say none of the "hot" oils should be used (like oregano, eucalyptus, clove, & a few others that I can't call to mind atm). If in doubt, you can't go wrong with the king of EOs (Frankincense). I continue to diffuse it daily or apply to my big toes (when I remember). 💜
Thank you all so much!!!! I am going to get on those oils as soon as I can!!!
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