After A Seizure In The Morning, Do I Send My Teenager To School Or Not?
I'm new to epilepsy & this site. My 17yr old son was diagnosed in February. How do the mommies / parents deal with teenagers , epilepsy & school? Most days i'm not sure to keep my son at home or send him to school? its at a point where i am considering home schooling. Plse advise? I need help
When i was in High School, I wanted to do gymnastics. They did not let me, fearing I would hit my head and hurt myaelf. They tried to teach me tennis, which I was awful at. On the other hand if I was tired, I could go to the Nurse and take a small nap. Lack of good sleep is a Trigger for me.
It would depend on what kind of seizure(s), and how quickly they can recover. Now if I remember Lack of good and enough sleep is one. Not eating well or enough, stress and being overheated are others.
It depends on how severe the seizure was and how long! When I would have a grand mal… there was no way I could go to work… every muscle in your body has just tightened up….and stayed there
In a way you will never understand unless you have gone through this! So when it stops you feel like you went through a Marathon! And you hurt and you are tired!😪 You feel like this for a day or two!
Some people has even worse! But If he feels anything like that… I wouldn’t send him to school!
Having two children withe epilespy we made sure that the school was aware of the problem and what to do if they ever had a seizure at school. If your child returns to normal after the seizure and is not tired and they normally will not have another one that day I would send them off to school. We tried to keep our kids lives as normal as possible. All I can advise is that it is a play it by ear and your gut feelings.
If the seizure was a grandmal and it lasted several minutes I would recommend keeping them home to rest. The longer they arein the throws of the seizure, the longer it takes for them to crawl back to counciousness sleep is more important than aday at school.
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Teaching And Epilepsy
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