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How Do You Know If You Have A Night Seizure

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Horsham, UK

I have never had a night seizure before. I also haven't regularly had seizures, mine seem to happen in big sessions, last one was 7 Grand Mal / tonic clonic seizures. After a normal seizure I am disorientated, confused and tired. Recently I have been waking up after a really really long sleep and I am confused and disorientated. It only lasts 2 days and then I am OK, well still a bit tired but can at least answer simple questions.

This is obviously not a huge Grand Mal / Tonic Clonic seizure… read more

June 25, 2016
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I've had lots of seizures in my sleep. Most of the time I wake up feeling confused and disorientated just like you do.
Usually my partner gives me a cuddle and explains to me what's happened and I have some Valium for the explosive migraine and sleep it off. I have woken up alone before feeling the same way, but without him to clean up I've usually got a few clues.
The migraine for a start, my bed is messy, sometimes my pillow is a little bloody, my pyjamas are disheveled or I've totally removed them and if it was huge I might have made a puddle.
My partner has said previously that in my sleep I start trying to turn my head as far to the left as I can and that's his sign for getting ready to deal with a grand mal.
Do you have a friend you trust that can stay with you for a couple of nights to let you know what you're doing?? Or maybe try recording your nights sleep?
If you do record it and catch yourself seizing I hope it doesn't upset you too much. I had a family member record me once and I wasn't prepared for how it left me feeling. Xx

June 25, 2016
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I have "come to" choking, before. Usually, when I have had "sleep seizures", I don't know it, except "waking" sleepier and in much pain, from the tensing muscles.

July 2, 2016
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I started having night seizures after 15+years. I woke up after 15-20 minutes, & was disoriented, headache, but also soiled myself. Not much I could do, so I revisited a neurologist, MRI, diagnosed again with seizures, but not grand Mal like I used to have. These seizures have been stressing me for 35 years.

May 16, 2017
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Unfortunately Epilepsy is not seen as a disability, unless you are a driver. There is the government scheme to help people get to work, but it only applies if there are is no public transport access.
I think it does suck that it is not considered a disability to help us only the government, but then I have never considered myself as disabled because of Epilepsy

July 2, 2016
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Do you get help from the Government as I had to really fight to get a Disabled Bus Pass as I don't think those that assess forms whether they're medically trained or not really understand its type of disability and how vulnerable we are with it.

July 1, 2016

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