when i was a child (10-16) years old i was prescribed but when i left school the doctors changed my medication. why was this when mysoline was controlling my epilepsy. whilst on mysoline i was having 1 maybe 2 fits aweek but since they change my medication my fits have increased and i am unable to work
I never was able to drive, so had to work on Bus Routes when they ran. I have 2 College Degrees, but Liberal Arts and Human Services do little good. For many years those jobs ended when the Do Not Call List was in effect. I was diagnosed with a Learning Disability in 1981.
My first medication was Mysoline, and my parents couldn’t wake me up! The ER admitted me and started me on Dilantin. I did drive because I thought was under control in college. When I change to a college my seizures apparently started up. I would drive slow on freeway. I was confused which off ramp to take. I told my Neurologist at UCLA. A week later had seizure in my statistics class. I haven’t driven since then. The Neurologist said I have many seizures. It was a birth defect.
They may of had you on the max dose and your Dr. probably was hoping ( or taking a gamble ) to find a medication that would control better. You should try and talk to you Dr. And tell him/her that you had better seizure control on it compared to the one your on now.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , I was I the same boat. I lived near a city bus Route when I need to get to far destination. Also walked or rode my bike to area where I didn’t need the bus.
I also had close if there were something planned with them I would get pick up by them.
Anyone That’s On Vimpat Did You Start Having Strange Dreams?
Did You Get The Right Meds At When You Were Diagnosed With Your Condition, And Were They The Right One (s) ?