Anyone Find Grants For Women With Epilepsy With A Business Found The Ones For People Starting One Not Looking For That Or A Loan
Does this mean you are trying to find a grant of some kind for a woman? If you've never done this before, you're going to have to be more specific as to what you want the grant for.
Good luck. There are scholarships for people with epilepsy. Should be some kind of good for all the grief being unhealthy causes
thanks had not thought of that
Have you talked to someone at your local community college? There are more programs out there for single moms than any other group of people. If you haven't taken a basic business course, it'd be a good idea to do that before looking for grants.
Relationships And Epilepsy
I Have Heard Some Essentail Oils Are Bad For Epilepsy, Does Anyone Know Witch Ones Those Might Be.
Telling Employers About Your Epilepsy