How Do You Know If Your In A Complex Or A TC
I used to have Tonic clonic seizures so I know what they are. There are 3 phases to that type of seizure. Tonic phase where your muscles stiffen because it affects the motor cortex and you lose your balance and fall either standing or sitting in a chair, then the clonic phase where you will have convulsions that usually last 2.5 to 3 minutes, then the postictal phase when your convulsions stop and all neurons affected are coming back to what is called resting state. After that type of seizure you will be totally worn out and so weak you can't even roll on your side. During a complex partial there will be some confusion and you will not remember most or all of the seizure because it affects specific areas of the brain that create memory. You only think you can't remember anything, but the fact is during that type of seizure NO memory of the event was ever created so there is nothing to recall at all. I have had both types of seizure and understand them very well and I have also had 6 other specific types and understand those also. So I have experienced 8 different specific types of seizures. If you are using terms like grand mal and petite mal those aren't even seizures at all. Both terms are French and they are more like categories. In adults there are 40 or more different types of seizures and in children there are even more.
If you can feel the seizure coming on ahead of time, have you asked your doctor about getting the VNS Machine implant?
I got one over 13 years ago. Life changing
Only had one type used tocall it grand its called tonic clonic seizure.All i know is from start to finish,i lose about three days of memory each seizure.Bout three days of my life gone each time.Started when iwas 5 ,at 63 ive lost a lot of days.
I have complex partial simple partial and I believe I am having abusence seizures too
i was born with petit and grand mal, i had seizure when i was a sleep woke up fever. But when i got older i don't have them no more. I just have the space out one know.
Is Anyone Aware Of The FDA Approved Seizure Monitoring Watches By Empatica? There's A Study Right Now To "Forecast" Seizures!
How Do You Know You Have Had A Seizure In Your Sleep If You Don't Wake Up Or Have Any Other Signs?
Has Anyone Here Experienced Status Epilepticus? It's When Your Seizure Lasts More Than 5 Minutes.