Partial/absence Auras?
sometimes when I get a little confused I'm afraid I had a absence/partial seizure and didn't realize it. For those of you with complex partial and/or absence seizures: what are your auras like? How do you know?
Whenever I have a absence (or as I call them 'Blank-outs' ) it does vary with what happens to me.
I could be holding a drink/have a mouthful of drink and then have a blank-out and my mouth will drop open and pour the drink down me/my arm falls and pours the drink everywhere!
Or i could just be stood up just about to do something I then blank-out and think 'well that was embarrassing! but what was i doing!? and where am i !? '
I hope this helps!
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member in stead of 'blank-outs' i have 'space-outs'. if i freeze it looks likes i am dreaming.
I have simple/complex partials and every now then an absence. I will bescribe each below:
Complex Partial the aura is like oh s--- whens the other shoe gonna drop. During it I lose 50-90% of vision so i sit down ASAP unless i am with a friend who knows just hold me up.
Simple Partial I just feel like damn I know whats coming. I can keep up and it helps if I am shopping. the cart helps stablelize me.
Absence I just stare blankly, most look at me like he is stoned. I have no auras with these.
They differ on strengths. Sometimes the tv talks to me. Sometimes i feel something starting from the top of my head to my chin and back up, sometimes parts of my body act different and I can feel them. Mainly on my right side. b I was injured there a few years ago. Sorta like a tightening and a loosening. the worst one was where I had firecrackers going off in my head.
i have "butterfly's" all over and sometimes i freeze in place.
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