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Vivid Dreams

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Canberra, AU

I was just wondering if other people have noticed since diagnosis very vivid and bizarre dreams? Mine are nightmares and it has been happening since removal of tumour and epilepsy diagnosis. I never remembered my dreams before. What do people think ? Could it be seizures ( woken up with tounge bitten, and bed upside down as well as falling out of bed) medications or a combination as well as ? PTSD

October 23, 2017
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Seizures don't cause PTSD, but IQ common trigger for seizures is stress. That is what PTSD is severe amounts of stress so you can have a an increase amount of seizures caused by the extra stress. If you talk about it to a therapist I guarantee it will go away.

October 24, 2017
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Hi @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, It's unfortunate your pharmacist made mistakes in medications. The pharmacists with RiteAid handling my prescriptions are very good. Admittedly other pharmacists and even locations have been disappointing. Unfortunately, in some pharmacists and physicians, a disregard for the holistic patient does exist. Hopefully, you can find some with genuine concern.
Some similarities in brain damage and surgeries may exist in relation to dreams, but I've not even read anything on it. Some medications or seizures may make it difficult to remember dreams. Just don't recall reading anything on that.
Many adjustments, additions, or eliminations have taken place over the decades in my medications. In using Dilantin/phenytoin sodium,(generic form), many variations took place in my system. It is a medication which interacts with many others. Problems, similar to yours, have been mentioned and semi-annual blood tests with two pages of results, take place. With the Grace of God, problems have been manageable.
Good luck on review and information with the neurologist. May God be with you 😊

November 5, 2017
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Not being in the pharmaceutical or chemical fields, do not have much information on the various medications from the research done. Some information on each of them seems available on line. Please be careful of source and reality. Several times, I have checked with a claimed source and found information not real. Unfortunately, some have side effects, which depends on the individuals using it or not recommended for certain persons, like pregnant or breast feeding women. Please take the time to discuss your medications with physician(s) and pharmacist(s).
Plus, it might be nice to see more on the dreams and nightmares as possible side effects of medications.
May God be with all of you. 😊

November 2, 2017
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I would be really careful taking lyrica with those side effects. Maybe down the track you might have a anaphylactic reaction. Why I'm saying this is I have a lot of allergies and never had any before
I have had all the drugs before and then suddenly I might have used a drug for 3 day and then it hits me some cause anaphylaxis .
Insomnia is crippling. You would think I'd go to sleep after each seizure nope!

October 26, 2017
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I have found in my experience that many meds can affect dreams.

October 23, 2017

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I Have Right Temporal Lobe Epilepsy And I'm Currently On Vimpat. Anybody Out There Have Vivid Or Weird Dreams?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Halifax, NS
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