What Medication Is Best For Pregnancy?
I am not even considering getting pregnant at the minute as I am still young but I am in a steady long term relationship and it does play on my mind a lot because I do want children in the future. I was wondering what medication the doctors would put people on when they’re pregnant? I’m currently on lamotrogine 500mg per day and it seems to be working for me. Also with hormones being all over the place when you’re pregnant what are the chances of having a seizure while pregnant?
I’m thankful every minute of every day that I had kids and neither of them have epilepsy. There’s less than a 5% chance of your child inheriting epilepsy if there is no history of it in your family. My neurologist kept me on the same meds I was on when I got pregnant. Keppra and Clobazam for the first, Lamictal and Clobazam for the second. Good for you for checking things out ahead of time. Good luck:)
My daughter and I both took tegretol. Neither of us had a seizure while pregnant.
I wouldn't have kids. It's horrible disease and wouldn't want to pass it on.
Pregnancy And Epilepsy Medicines?
Ladies.. Have You Had A Baby With Your Seizure Disorder?
What Is The Best Medication To Take While Pregnant?