What Are The Types Of Seizures People Get
Like what is the difference between each different type and how do you know what type of seizures you have if your doctor hasn't told you what type you have. I can't tell you as I black out and from what i have been told I shake constantly until I come around with no memory of it !!! I was also wondering I hear people mention different types of seizures and i was wondering what the symptoms of each type of seizure ??
I have absence seizures. It's like a Time loss. I will do things or say things and have absolutely no memory of them. I also have blackouts but I don't shake during a blackout. You need to speak with your neurologist about what kinds that you're having. If he doesn't answer your questions maybe it's time to find a different neurologist. Good luck with it.
I have Complex Partial Seizures , and Absence seizures . From my adolescences through my early adulthood, I use to have Tonic Clonics
Happy Birthday month @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I get complex partial seizures/ I fall sometimes and I get them during my menstraul cycle (Catamail)
your body tells you whats wrong. i have phases of seizures that sometimes people see and others a not. the blackouts you are getting are grand mal seizures.
Tonic-clonic seizures involve shaking, loss of consciousness and possible bladder control, sometimes foaming at the mouth...
Can I Have Different Types?
I Am Epileptic Why Do I Suffer So Much Pain In My Head It's Like Electrical Shocks And My Eyes Are Failing I Get Alot Of Double Vision.
Hi, It's Tim I Don't Mean To Be Noisey But Do Any Of You Have Seizures?